What people with PCOS ought to know

What people with PCOS ought to know

Exercise might not seem like one of the first things to come to mind when thinking about PCOS but it has a multitude of benefits. Firstly, exercise can help reduce insulin resistance by allowing muscles to take up some of the glucose stored in the blood and use it for fuel. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of training that incorporates short efforts followed by a longer rest and has been shown to have a large impact on reducing insulin resistance. HIIT also releases adrenaline to maintain the pace, and once the muscles use up the glucose, it will turn towards using fat as a primary source of fuel. This can help with weight loss by burning fat and reducing the amount of insulin the body has to release hence decreasing hunger signals and lowering blood pressure. By reducing weight, we also minimise the risk of pregnancy complications and increase fertility.